Cybersecurity Engineer
Fulltime 2 Tahun Rp. 6.000.000,00 - 8.000.000,00 /bulan

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Persyaratan :

  • Minimal S1 dengan latar belakang IT /SMK TKJ (Teknik Jaringan Komputer)
  • Pengetahuan Dasar: Sistem Engineers tingkat awal harus memiliki pemahaman mendasar tentang sistem komputer, jaringan, dan sistem operasi.
  • Sistem Operasi : Familiar dengan berbagai sistem operasi, seperti Windows, Linux, atau Unix
  • Pemrograman dan Skrip: Keterampilan pemrograman/skrip dasar dalam bahasa seperti Python, Java, atau skrip shell mungkin lebih baik
  • Jaringan: Memahami dasar tentang konsep jaringan/OSI 7 Layer, protokol, dan konfigurasi.

Bertanggung  Jawab :

  1. Mengelola dan memantau seluruh sistem dan infrastruktur yang terpasang
  2. Menginstal, mengkonfigurasi, menguji dan memelihara sistem operasi, perangkat lunak aplikasi, dan alat manajemen sistem
  3. Secara proaktif memastikan ketersediaan sistem dan infrastruktur pada tingkat tertinggi
  4. Memantau dan menguji kinerja aplikasi untuk mengetahui potensi kemacetan, mengidentifikasi kemungkinan , dan bekerja sama dengan pengembang untuk menerapkan perbaikan
  5. Menjaga strategi keamanan, cadangan, dan redundansi
  6. Menulis dan memelihara skrip khusus untuk meningkatkan efisiensi sistem dan mengurangi waktu intervensi manusia dalam tugas apa pun
  7. Berpartisipasi dalam desain sistem informasi dan pendukung operasional
  8. Berikan dukungan level 2 dan 3
  9. Bekerja sama dengan vendor dan personel TI lainnya untuk penyelesaian masalah



  • Minimum S1 with background IT /SMK TKJ ( Teknik Jaringan Komputer) 
  • Basic Knowledge: Entry-level system engineers should have a fundamental understanding of computer systems, networks, and operating systems. 
  • Operating Systems: Familiarity with various operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, or Unix 
  • Programming and Scripting: Basic programming/scripting skills in languages like Python, Java, or shell scripting may be beneficial 
  • Networking: A basic understanding of networking concepts/OSI 7 Layer, protocols, and configurations.


1. Manage and monitor all installed systems and infrastructure
2. Install, configure, test and maintain operating systems, application software and system management tools
3. Proactively ensure the highest levels of systems and infrastructure availability
4. Monitor and test application performance for potential bottlenecks, identify possible solutions, and work with developers to implement those fixes
5. Maintain security, backup, and redundancy strategies
6. Write and maintain custom scripts to increase system efficiency and lower the human intervention time on any tasks
7. Participate in the design of information and operational support systems
8. Provide 2nd and 3rd level support
9. Liaise with vendors and other IT personnel for problem resolution

PT Global Infotech Solution Jakarta Pusat, DKI JAKARTA
Tentang Perusahaan:

PT Global Infotech Solution, a leading system integrator company in Indonesia, delivers comprehensive business solutions across multiple industries. Established in 2015, we have rapidly grown and evolved as a trusted innovative technology services provider partner for organizations. Here, our team of experts employs cutting-edge technologies to support your organization's unique requirements and needs as well as to address your organization-specific challenges. We cover a wide spectrum of business solutions ranging from infrastructure development and optimization with the goal of ensuring seamless operations and maximum efficiency for your organization. In addition to infrastructure, we also specialize in network solutions that empower businesses to connect and communicate efficiently. 

In order to enable businesses to streamline their operations and enhance productivity, we offer Business Application solutions for your organization. Moreover, by recognizing the importance of cloud computing, PT Global Infotech Solution provides Cloud Solutions enabling organizations to leverage this technology's power as well as ensure cost-effectiveness and scalability. We also prioritize cybersecurity to protect your organization's sensitive data and assets from evolving cyber threats. At PT Global Infotech Solution, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional customer satisfaction. Our team of skilled professionals possesses extensive experience in handling projects across various industries, providing tailored and cost-effective solutions that drive business growth.

Nomor Registrasi 1234xxxx
Jumlah Karyawan 100-500
Lokasi Jakarta Pusat, DKI JAKARTA
Waktu Rata-rata Proses Lamaran -
Industri IT/Komputer - Jaringan/Sistem/Sistem Database
Manfaat dan lainnya -

Foto Perusahaan

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